
Questions Answered

How do deepfakes impact businesses?

How do deepfakes impact businesses?

How much do businesses lose on average?

How much do businesses lose on average?

How can companies protect themselves against deepfakes?

How can companies protect themselves against deepfakes?

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Study Highlights

In 2024, every second business globally reported incidents of deepfake fraud, revealing a growing trend in AI-related crimes over the past two years

Deepfake growing trend
Average loss due to deepfakes.

Businesses across industries have incurred an average loss of nearly $450,000 due to deepfakes

42% of companies from all industries see identity theft as the greatest threat

42% of companies from all industries see identity theft as the greatest threat.
 identity verification as the most effective way to tackle deepfake

The vast majority (93%) of organizations believe that it is the combination of identity verification methods that is the most effective way to tackle new threats

Learn how to enhance security measures to combat the growing threat of deepfakes

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