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Regula Latvia
Regula Baltija LLC | 34 Višķu Street, Daugavpils, LV-5410
+371 65 43 12 99 +371 65 43 12 99 USA
Regula Forensics Inc. | 1851 Alexander Bell Drive, STE 402, Reston, VA 20191
+1 703 816 2955 Poland
Regula Poland Sp. z o.o. | Chmielna 73, CIC, Warsaw, 00-801 Germany
Regula Forensics GmbH | Johannstraße 37, Düsseldorf, D-40476
+49 211 5408 5034 +49 170 857 9687 Netherlands
International Reference Systems B.V. | Pater Wijnterlaan 17, Naarden, 1412 GL Brazil
Regula Forensics Latam Comercio de Equipamentos Forenses Ltda | Av. Marechal Floriano 199 Gr. 902, Rio de Janeiro ‑ RJ 20080-005
+55 21 98138 0232
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