Microscopes & Magnifiers
Forensic experts follow the golden rule that objects must be seen with their own eyes, ideally under high magnification. That's why we crafted microscopes and magnifiers with premium optics for your needs

Spectral Luminescent Microscope
The device features visible, infrared, and ultraviolet light sources, along with imaging filters for diverse forensic examinations (under optical magnification up to 98x) such as handwriting, dactyloscopic, toolmark, and ballistic analysis
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Trinocular Stereo Microscope
The microscope uses the Greenough optical system for stereo imaging and adjustable optical magnification up to 420x. It provides different white light options with intensity control and allows for operational mode, focus, and magnification adjustments directly on the device
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The Regula 5006 seamlessly integrates a spectrometer and an electronic microscope. The spectrometer covers visible and UV ranges, while the microscope allows for on-screen magnifications up to 300x
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Magnifiers for quick authenticity checks
Magnifiers for quick authenticity checks.Depending on the model, it may feature a measuring scale and different light sources, with magnification options of 10x, 14x, 20x, or 23x
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Dactyloscopic Magnifier
This magnifier is designed for examining fingerprints and small objects. It is equipped with adjustable LED lighting and ±2 diopter adjustment for clear images without glasses. Supplied with a Henry classification disc
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Spectral Luminescent Magnifier
Mobile forensic device suitable for tasks not requiring advanced equipment features, like high-level magnification or specific illuminators. Has no analogs on the market
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