
Comprehensive solutions for the full range of forensic examinations:

  • Examination of questioned documents and banknotes
  • Detection of alterations in printed and handwritten texts
  • Hyperspectral and spectral analysis of images and documents
  • Restoration of faded text in historical records
  • Examination of large documents and objects, and more.

The comparators are operated by Regula Forensic Studio, streamlining the examination process with additional functionality.


What Makes Regula Comparators Extraordinary

Forensic experts at the core of the development team

Professionals in forensic document examination drive innovations throughout all stages of the process, including designing features, software setup, and device testing.

Unique Information Reference System

Comprising over 335,500 images of documents, banknotes, security features, etc., the IRS seamlessly integrates with Regula forensic solutions. This integration facilitates document-to-specimen comparison and inconsistency detection, significantly enhancing expert efficiency. 

100% in-house development

Every component of Regula solutions—the hardware, software and IRS—is created from the ground up with the collaboration of experienced forensic scientists, dedicated engineering teams, and skilled assembly line operators.

Continuous innovations

Since the first model, the devices have been receiving regular enhancements, such as LED illuminators, embedded RFID chip readers, capabilities for hybrid document examination, and more.

In-house customer-centric support team and the zero-maintenance concept

When purchasing Regula forensic equipment, all customers can rely on free, timely assistance, ensuring uninterrupted operation of devices without the need for regular maintenance and repair.


900×650×580 mm

580x495x450 mm

400×380×370 mm

380×260×420 mm

Intended Objects for Examination

ID documents
ID documents
Passport stamps
Passport stamps
Vehicle registration certificates
Vehicle registration certificates
Driver’s licenses
Driver’s licenses
Revenue stamps
Revenue stamps
Art and collectibles
Art and collectibles
Signatures and handwritten notes
Signatures and handwritten notes

Discover How Experts Benefit from Using Regula Comparators

The Columbian State-Level Forensic Lab Buys 
Regula 4308S
Police Forensics Labs

in Ecuador Equipped 
With Regula Devices

Need assistance in choosing? We’re here to help!

Regula Game-Changers in Comparator Development

LED illuminators

The transition to LED light sources (including UV illuminators) instead of analog lamps has advanced the process of document examination with cutting-edge technologies.

Creation of Information Reference System (IRS):

The world’s largest digital collection of identity documents, visas, banknotes, coins, and vehicle documents enhances forensic examination by providing experts with detailed descriptions to compare an examined object to its reference standard. As a weekly updated database, the IRS now comprises over 11,880 documents from 220 countries and territories.

Embedded RFID chip readers:

With an RFID chip reading module inside the device, Regula comparators enable complete verification of electronic identity documents by checking the chip data and integrity.

Digital image capture:

The use of digital cameras has revolutionized the forensic examination of documents, banknotes, etc. Any image of a physical object captured with a comparator can be easily processed through scaling, light filtering, cropping, and other techniques, which helps streamline the analysis and report generation.

Anti-Stokes fluorescence detection:

Equipping devices with a specific light source (high-intensity IR light at 970-990 nm) allows for the examination of security features in documents and banknotes printed with Anti-Stokes ink.

Hybrid document examination:

The technical capabilities of devices combined with Regula Document Reader SDK allow for the physical and digital examination of identity documents, including the validation of security features and data obtained from barcodes and RFID chips.

Hyperspectral imaging:

The presence of a hyperspectral analysis module* facilitates non-destructive examination of handwritten and printed documents, banknotes, historical records, etc., enabling the detection of fraudulent alterations, identification of the initial content, and determination of a document’s age.

Noiseless devices in a durable design:

Engineering innovations have eliminated the need for cooling fans in Regula equipment, extending its operating life. This also ensures that there is no background noise during examination, and prevents dust from accumulating on the internal parts of the comparators.

3D visualization:

Building a high-resolution 3D model of a document or banknote fragment allows for examination of surface relief, detection of printing methods, and analysis of overlapping objects, such as signatures and stamps, including measuring the height and depth of the printing layer.

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