Screen Printing
A printing technique, which enables to obtain an image by pushing the ink through the printing plate. The printing form is a frame with a stretched silk or nylon gauze on it. The image is transferred to the gauze by means of a photographic process. A wiping blade, called a squeegee, pushes the thick ink through the gauze and creates a printed image. The spacing elements are covered with a layer, which does not let the ink. The printing elements are open (fig. 1).
Characteristics of a print:
- The subsrate is not deformed;
- A thick ink layer;
- Zigzag edges of the image;
- The mesh structure of the image;
- Absence of thin strokes.


Fig. 1. Image printed by Screen printing. 10 000 Kazakhstan Tenge (2011):
a – general view; b – zoomed fragment of the image