Laser Photo Image in a Color Matrix LASINK™ Origin
A technology of applying and securing the holder’s portrait. It is based on the integration of a laser photo image into a color background image – a LASINK™ Origin matrix. The matrix is printed during the manufacturing of blank documents and consists of thin parallel lines of cyan, magenta, and yellow colors. At the personalization stage, the holder’s portrait is laser engraved into the matrix. The grayscale laser engraving combined by a special algorithm with the lines of the color matrix allows color revealing. The LASINK™ Origin matrix structure forms a moire effect when viewing with the use of a dedicated filter.




Fig. 1. Latvia. Driver’s license issued in 2023:
a — front side. Polymer substrate; b — the same. LASINK™ Origin matrix. Viewed during the personalization process. The frame shows the area where the main photo is to be engraved; c — the same. Zoomed fragment. Color lines (cyan, magenta, yellow) printed by offset. The black carbonization areas are laser engraved; d — the same. Moire effect. Viewed via a dedicated filter