Henry Patishman
Executive VP, Identity Verification solutions at Regula
Henry Patishman is responsible for driving Regula’s strategic initiatives across different industries in the field of identity verification and biometrics. Henry has extensive experience across the IT industry, particularly in digital transformation, security, and data storage. He has held senior global positions with multiple global tech companies, such as ABBYY and ACA Pacific.
Biometrics in Banking: Navigating Identity Verification & Customer Experience
Integrating biometric technology can both enhance security and redefines the CX.
BY Henry Patishman in Business use cases
IDV Trends in Crypto 2025: A Global Overview
Will Crypto be crippled by deepfakes next year?
BY Henry Patishman in Business use cases
The Impact of Deepfake Fraud: Risks, Solutions, and Global Trends
Why are deepfakes emerging as one of the biggest threats in recent years?
BY Henry Patishman in Business use cases
The Future of Identity: How a Rapidly Digitizing World Will Change IDs
With many advancements in identity documents, what might future IDs look like?
BY Henry Patishman in Document verification