Regula Introduces a Complete Single-Vendor Solution for Advanced Identity Fraud Prevention
Regula, a global developer of forensic devices and identity verification (IDV) solutions, addresses the demand for a single-vendor solution mentioned by nearly one-third of organizations surveyed globally.* The complete updated solution includes both document and biometric checks. It makes identity verification easier to implement and makes it possible to do it almost in one click. Plus, it contributes to more effective identity fraud prevention through extended authenticity checks.
Many companies struggle to implement and integrate a bunch of different solutions covering different parts of the IDV process. In fact, according to Regula’s survey, 40% of organizations cite this overly complex technical environment as the largest constraint to deploying IDV solutions. Additionally, 38% of respondents expressed concern over the cost of maintaining and managing such an extensive set of technologies.
To help businesses troubleshoot this problem, Regula has updated its IDV products for document and biometric verification, Regula Document Reader SDK and Regula Face SDK.
A one-stop-shop for the whole identity proofing process. Regula’s solutions are now natively integrated, allowing organizations to enjoy quicker and simpler implementation of a comprehensive identity verification process. Paired with Regula Document Reader SDK, Regula Face SDK verifies a selfie against a photo from an ID matching the printed portrait, RFID chip photo, selfie uploaded via web or mobile device, and a portrait from an external database to ensure the person is the same in all the different photos. Moreover, the technology compares a ghost photo and a photo (captured by readers) that is visible in UV light with the holder’s photo from the ID to prove the document's authenticity. As a result, a business can take advantage of a more frictionless and efficient identity proofing process with all its parts covered by a single vendor.
The most comprehensive set of authenticity checks. Besides streamlining deployment of the IDV process, the recent update of the Regula solutions also extends the number and variety of document and biometric checks. And this is another response to the market demand: according to Regula’s survey, every fourth organization considers it important to have a large variety of document authenticity checks in an IDV solution.
Regula has always offered the most comprehensive set of document verification checks, from automatic document type and specific series recognition to the most precise and trustworthy NFC-based verification of electronic identity documents. Addressing “zero-trust-to-mobile” risks, Regula Document Reader SDK allows supplemental reverification of electronic chips by processing results on a server and thus eliminating the risk of missing a tampered ID.
Now, Regula Document Reader SDK adds to this extensive verification the ability to automatically detect whether the photo has been manipulated in the original document using various techniques. Based on knowledge gained from diverse identity document templates, the solution verifies the number of faces present on the document and their exact position, including specific face landmarks where applicable. Also, face absence is verified in specific zones of the document––the solution checks that it isn’t present where it should not be.
The ability to handle the most complete set of identity checks within one interaction allows businesses to access a broader range of cross-checks. On the one hand, it makes data reading and entry more readily available and facilitates the process of comprehensive identity verification. But what is more important, such an approach helps spot and fight fraud more efficiently––cross-checks ensure that no illegal alterations of an identity may be overlooked.
Speed of verification. With Regula's improved interaction for biometric checks, businesses can now obtain verification results within just a couple of seconds, enhancing the speed and efficiency of the whole identity verification process.

Our survey has shown that the vast majority of businesses, 93%, consider online identity verification important in recognizing fraud for their organizations. It definitely is, but the effectiveness of fraud prevention strongly depends on the quality and quantity of IDV solutions and their components. The more separate technologies and products that need special configuration there are, the more chances that some parts of the IDV process could be neglected. That is why we’re also witnessing a strong demand for a single-vendor solution when it comes to identity verification. The one-stop shop approach gives more control and assurance of the process, so we develop our solutions to be in line with this tendency and to empower our customers with the highest possible standards of identity verification.
— Ihar Kliashchou, Chief Technical Officer at Regula
*The research was initiated by Regula and conducted by Sapio Research in December 2022 and January 2023 using an online survey of 1,069 Fraud Detection/Prevention decision makers across the Financial Services (including Banking and FinTech), Technology, Telecoms, and Aviation sectors. The respondent geography included Australia, France, Germany, Mexico, Turkey, the UAE, the UK, and the USA.