Regula Provided Training for the Forensic Department of the Ministry of Interior of Macedonia
Regula carried out a 2-day training course on travel document examination in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (3-4 May, 2018). The course was attended by officers from the Forensic Department of the Ministry of Interior of Macedonia. During the training, the officers acquired both theoretical knowledge and practical skills on technical and forensic examination of documents using the video spectral comparator Regula 4307. Furthermore, the representatives of the Ministry of Interior also had an opportunity to experience the full spectrum of the regularly updated IRS «Secure Documents Ultimate» with high-quality images of travel documents, banknotes, driver’s licenses and vehicle certificates.
Head of the Unit of Document Examination of the Forensic Department, Sofche Popovska, who also took part in this training course, highly praised the quality and capabilities of Regula devices and expressed her willingness to continue cooperation with Regula.