VIN & Weapon Examination
Magneto-optical devices are one of Regula's unique innovations. Magneto-optical imaging (MOI) is a non-destructive method that visualizes the magnetic field anomalies of the object under scrutiny. Thus, with these devices, you can non-destructively restore numbers damaged by corrosion on vehicles or weapons, and detect any alterations that were made

VIN Verifier
Nondestructive examination of metal surfaces and detection of VIN falsification within a couple of minutes. Provides visualization of the relief and structural inhomogeneity of metal surfaces with magnetic properties without removing the lacquer-and-paint coating
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Eddy-Current Magnetograph
The device enables non-destructive examinations of markings on data carriers in aluminum alloys, restores fully destroyed original VINs on ferromagnetic materials, and examines surfaces of non-ferromagnetic materials
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Workstation for Firearms Examination
Nondestructive forensic examination of firearms and ammunition identification numbers. Detects falsification and restores original numbers
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